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CROWN XTi 1002

CROWN XTi 1002

Disponibilità: Non disponibile

Amplificatore audio XTi2 series 2x500W @ 4ohm


Amplificatore audio: Input EQ 6 parametric filters per channel with adjustable Q, ±15 dB boost/cut. Also adjustable high and low shelving filters. This 8-filter EQ section can be bypassed. Crossover Filters Highpass and Lowpass per channel. Butterworth 6/12/18/24 dB per octave. Linkwitz-Riley 24/48 dB per Octave. Also includes ± 15 dB bandpass gain and polarity control. Output EQ 8 parametric filters per channel with adjustable Q, ±15 dB boost/cut. This 8-filter EQ section can be bypassed. Delay For signal alignment of driver; 50 mS of total delay. SubHarmonic Synth Takes the low-frequency content of the input signal and "synthesizes" a new signal that is the same as the input signal but one octave lower. The new synthesized signal is then mixed with the original signal to create the effect. New: Users now have control over frequency, gain, and filter type. Peakx™ Plus Limiter User defeatable limiter that allows users to control Threshold, Attack, and Release times. Presets 50 total presets, 49 of which are user-definable.
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Manufacturer CROWN
Power RMS 4 ohm 800W per ch
Power RMS 8 ohm 475W per ch

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